Land Location: Mouza: Satarkul, Post: Gulshan, Thana: Badda, District: Dhaka.
Details of plot:
a) 1 plot of 1 katha b) 1 plot of
1.5 katha
c) 1 plot of 2 katha
d) 1 plot of 3 katha
e) 1 plot of 4 katha
Price: Price of each plot is 22,00,000 / - (twenty two lakhs) Per katha.
The city of Gulshan in the heart of Dhaka, North City Corporation, Satarkul mouza located in the inherited sources of the plot to sell the plot is high. The distance of the plots from Gulshan area is only 2.6 km. 16 feet wide paved road in front of the plot. The distance from Badda-Satarkul-Beraid 60 feet wide main road is only 0.5 km. Residential houses, schools, madrasas are located around the plots. Nearby is a hostel of United International University. You can rent a house on the plots now at a higher rate.
Also, a road dap of 100 feet from Madhya Badda to Beraid Balundi is in the proposed condition on the map. That road is only 30 feet away from the plots. Many such paved roads are a living proof of the 300-foot road from Kuril to the east and another 100-foot road (known as Madani Avenue) from Bhatara New Bazaar to Beraid.
To the south of the plots is Abtab Nagar and to the east is Swadesh Properties. In other words, even in terms of position, the plot is very positional. It was requested to look at the picture with one's own eyes.
Contact interested parties.